The paper examines how the conventions and policies are applied to other countries including the UK, Australia, Canada and South Africa, and can be used to support the development of services, policies and legislation targeting the rights of young carers in the United States. An analysis of the...
However, it is relevant to note that - according to the UK experts - the current legislation has little real benefit for YCs. Overall, according to some experts, we should rather highlight the group of YCs and support them where necessary, instead of requiring some specific legislation without...
The United Kingdom has the most extensive body of research and publications on young carers and is the most advanced country in terms of policy responses and legal provision, with a track record of twenty years of research, fifteen years of specific government legislation, and a national network...
positive human rights obligations to carers; and that 'being a carer' should (and will) become a protected status for the purposes of non-discrimination legislation, on the same basis as other protected statuses (such as disability)... L Clements - 《Wash. & Lee J.civil Rts. & Soc.just...
Increasing numbers of Children and Young People on the Autism Spectrum (CYP-AS) are attending inclusive education settings in the UK, yet research about the impact on their psychosocial well-being is scarce. This qualitative review examined the experiences of CYP-AS in British inclusive education ...
This policy has been drawn up based on legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England and Wales including the Data Protection Act 2018, the UK General Data Protection Regulation, and resources from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)...
Department for Education, Department of Health. Changes to legislation and guidance since “promoting the health and well- being of looked-after children 2015” was originally published. 2015. Available from:
The article focuses on the effort of the National Children's Bureau (NCB) in putting the Children and Young Persons Bill into legislation in Great Britain. NCB's move on the bill is based on looked-after children and the welfare or justice divide, which is an NCB policy priority. The eff...
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Derbyshire, UK Leanne Walker Editor information Editors and Affiliations School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Coventry University, Coventry, Warwickshire, UK Laurence Baldwin Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions ...
At: Accessed 23 August 2008. Dobson B, Middleton S, Beardsworth A. The impact of childhood disability on family life. York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 2001. Published for the Foundation by YPS. Google Scholar McKay S, Atkinson A. Disability and caring...