"This suggests that weight gain, even at a young age, leads to heart damage over and above the effects of being overweight in later life," Professor Hughes explained. "Maintaining a healthy weight is likely to be important for people even in early adulthood and if we want to improve heart...
The subject of memory loss has always been a common fear among adults, but is now receiving an abundant amount of attention as of the baby boomer population approaches old adulthood. The population...Johnson, S.K., & Halpern, A.R. (1999). Prediction accuracy of young and middle-aged ...
Therefore, we investigated cognitive fatigue through changes in RT distributions in three age groups—young, middle-aged, and older adults—during a 160-min Stroop task. Task duration was divided into four blocks and the ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, τ) were extracted from individual RT ...
Lifestyle Changes in Young Adulthood and Middle Age and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality : The Doetinchem Cohort Study Lifestyle changes in young adulthood and middle age and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: the doetinchem cohort study [ J ].Am ......
Cognitive ability, lifestyle risk factors, and two-year survival in first myocardial infarction men: A Swedish National Registry study. Held, E. Olsson, Young adulthood cognitive ability predicts statin adherence in middle-aged men after first myocardial infarction: a Swedish National Registry... J...
The purpose of the present study was to examine the factorial validity and the age and gender invariance of the Personal Meaning Index (PMI), a measure of the existential belief that life is meaningful. A combined sample of 2065 young (N=1152), middle-aged (N=483), and older (N=430)...
Changes in Body Weight From Young Adulthood to Middle Age and Its Association With Blood Pressure and Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hong Kong Ch... Changes in Body Weight From Young Adulthood to Middle Age and Its Association With Blood Pressure and Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Stu...
Association Between Duration of Overall and Abdominal Obesity Beginning in Young Adulthood and Coronary Artery Calcification in Middle Age IMPORTANCE Younger individuals are experiencing a greater cumulative exposure to excess adiposity over their lifetime. However, few studies have determined... Reis,JP,...
People differ in their levels of impulsivity and patience, and these preferences are heavily influenced by others. Previous research suggests that susceptibility to social influence may vary with age, but the mechanisms and whether people are more influe
In year 25, CARDIA measured cognitive performance using standardized tests of verbal memory, processing speed, and executive function. We used these measurements to study the association between cumulative years of exposure to marijuana use and cognitive performance in middle age among CARDIA participants...