Roughly one in three U.S. adults aged 18-34 live with their parents, 2024 Census data shows — a trend sustained over two decades despite economic shifts. Experts say these economic shocks have left young adults financially vulnerable, with many staying
Young Adults Living with Parents: Big Differences among NationsIt's well known that an increasing percentage of young Americanadults are living with their...Barone, Michael
New data suggest that more people ages 25-34 have saved enough while staying with family to move out on their own. A record number if young adults mov
The share of young adults living with their parents edged up last year despite improvements in the economy -- a sign that the effects of the recession are lingering. 尽管美国经济出现改善迹象,但成年子女与父母住在一起的比例去年仍略有增加,这表明衰退的影响仍未离去。 In a report on the status of...
BRUSSELS, May 14 (Xinhua) -- A recent survey of the European Union (EU) labor force showed that 28.5 percent of young adults are living with their parents. The proportion of young people aged 25-34 in EU member states who are living with their parents ranges from 3.2 percent in Denmark...
Living with Parents Why More Young Adults Are Living with ParentsWhy More Young Adults Are Living with Parents
系统标签: parents adults young living millennials percent Moreyoungadultslivingwithparents TomostChinesepeople,theUnitedStatesisasocietywhereyoungpeopleolderthan18 eitherleavehomeontheirownorgetkickedoutbytheirparents,alandwherenotbeing independentbyacertainageisasourceofshame. LittlewonderthataPewResearchCentersurve...
More young adults living with parents To most Chinese people, the United States is a society where young people older than 18 either leave home on their own or get kicked out by their parents, a land where not being independent by a certain age is a source of shame.Little wonder that a...
Almost 40 percent of young adults lived with their parents, step-parents, grandparents and other relatives last year, or the highest point in 75 years, according to data from real estate analytics company Trulia. The only time in U.S. history when the share has been higher was in...
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of young adults aged 18-34 living with their parents and relying on them for financial support has reached 63 million in 2020, which is a staggering 40% of this age group.