【题】 In li f e , it's important for you to ge t on well with others. Howerer , it's necessar y to shar e your feelings with others. Sharin g your feelings helps you to get closer to peopl e you car e about and who car e about you.Sometimes it can b e really hard not...
【题目】【九年级英语】 阅读理解You should eat well,ge t lots of erercise if you want to be a healthy kid. If you're healthy, you can study well and can do all the things you want to do, like run ning around with your friends.If you're a kid who wants to be healthy, here ...
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erer mafen(二)“二妈”(16分)wo de jia Ii youliang ge ma ma ni ting le yi dinghen qi guaii nan dao wo jia you ge hou ma ma bu我的家里有两个妈妈,你听了一定很奇怪。难道我家有个后妈吗?不shi de na shi wo gei ba ba qu de yi ge chuohaoer ma是的!那是我给爸爸取的一...
幼儿园小班语言:小老鼠上灯台 幼儿园小班语言教案:小老鼠上灯台 幼儿园小班语言:小老鼠上灯台(教学实录) 幼儿园小班音乐游戏《小老鼠上灯台》(四篇) 消防演练活动总结个人汇报 2023-05-15 中国健康活动总结 2023-05-15 幼儿园开展防震减灾疏散演练活动总结 ...