They themselves did not know what they were waiting for, but it was this: in times of tension, when some great action is impending, men gather and wait in this way. And after a time there will come a moment when all together they will act in unison, not from thought or from the wi...
Sure enough, he made it by sliding (滑动) the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else 17 the line, and soon the whole dining hall was cheering. When the crowds were gone, I walked over. It was time to 18 the Magic Marty show.“I know how yo...
Even I have felt it, case-hardened though I am.I've often wondered what it was about you that made me always remember you, for I've known many ladies who were prettier than you and certainly more clever and, I fear, morally more upright and kind.But, somelw, I always remembered you...
i said. "holding on to it somehow makes things a little better," she said. "do you know what i mean?" i thought about the mean kids at school and how holding on to beautiful things often made me feel better. i nodded. "i...
You know it will be very difficult for you to respect yourself unless you are proud of your work. (Para. 4) Meaning: You know you will hardly respect yourself if you are not proud of your work. respect vt. admire or have a high opinion of somebody or something 尊敬;敬佩;尊重 ...
】 ●What we do for ourselves dies with us.What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.——Albert Pine 【Albert Pine(英国作家):为自己做的都会随着死去而消逝,为他人和世界所做的将会延续而不朽。】 ●It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us(but we...
meant was, I knew you would not have been able to bear the sadness of my death if I were to die first. My death would have left you in a cruel agony. I would rather that it was me who would bear the sadness of our separation in death. Alas, it is I who will have to die ...
Li Xin will leave junior high school this year. She expects the moving moment of graduation ceremony. She will never forget the important people in her life who helped and supported her—her parents, her teachers and her friends. She will consider what they’ve done for her and hope that ...
(With all religions, it’s a delicate matter to portray the pleasures in store for those who have lived virtuously. It’s easy to frighten sinners with a long list of the punishments awaiting them; but in the case of good people, one does not know what to promise them; it appears ...