these sweets bring back memories of watching my mother baking cookies and my aunts making namoura and katayef on Ramadan nights (for those who think that month is all penance and fasting, sure as hell not when the sun is
Metal fans probably didn't start the year guessing that steadfast U.S. deathcore mainstays Lorna Shore would break out of the underground with a series of brutal pig squeals. But when the band introduced their new lead vocalist Will Ramos with the pulverizing "To the Hellfire" this summer, ...
she’s young enough to neither know nor really care. whatever career path she chooses, however, one thing is almost guaranteed. makenna kelly will most likely be the first person to buy a lamborghini with money earned from eating cookies and milk. this article was originally published by ...
Customers who came in got all the information they could want about the price of the oven plus as a bonus what this store assistant thought about their boss. Ring in the New Year with a New Job Although there are many reasons to quit your job, it doesn’t mean that you don’t want ...
“When starting at the bottom, be willing to learn from those at the top.” “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”-Some dipshit in politics “The tail is only there to support the teeth.”-Rumsfeld’s Rules “If you want traction, you first need friction.” “F-E-A-R has ...
And that stuck with me so much that I didn't even care when I became number one, because I felt like I needed to work harder to stay there and everything else was a distraction. So I didn't want to have my wife around or I didn't want to have kids around me because my wife ... This is one of those moments we wish we could be a fly on the wall just to see Michelle's face when she walks into the arrivals lounge, waiting to be greeted by her soon-to-be ex, very satisfied husband. Unless this is some sort of sick j...
I don’t want to take up too much space at a time that truly belongs to people directly targeted by racism. Police are far more likely to treat me likeAmy CooperthanBreonna Taylor. I am grateful to those who have done the hard—often personally painful—work of arguing why and how we...
kind of makes you wonder how many people have been spelling it wrong all this time, in which case, we’d like to know what “beaties” means and why it’s so bad for you. On the other hand, the mom seems pretty awesome. We’ll take the cookies and cakes if they don’t want ...
Alright all you foodistic rogues and rapscallions, are you intrigued by the thought of mashing a bouillon cube between two chocolate cookies? Do you want to horrify your friends and family with bizarre snack imports? Do you want to impress and amaze your coworkers with your absolute transcendan...