YouTube is similar to on-page SEO in that it’s important to optimize your video’s title and description. The first thing people read when scrolling through a list of videos are the titles, so make sure yours is clear and compelling — it should make searchers curious about your content...
A detailed look into best practices for YouTube SEO to optimize your YouTube channel and create ranking videos that boost organic traffic.
The ever-present video sharing platform, Youtube has got what you want to see, whether that's cute kittens or political commentary. Discover the tips you need to make the most of your latest post.
First, take time to discover why people turn to YouTube. What is the most popular type of content? What are people searching? What’s trending on YouTube? While the most-viewed YouTube videos of all time are all music-related, categories like movies, entertainment, and pets are some of...
Audio streaming consists of a broad array of options.Surprisingly, YouTube tops the list with the most extensive catalog.But YouTube’s audio catalog includes “gray music” like remixes, compilations and live performances. (That said, DJs and others generate revenue and stay visible with these ...
While the most-viewed YouTube videos of all time are all music-related, categories like movies, entertainment, and pets are some of the fastest-growing on the platform. Know your audience’s preferences Next, understand what your specific target audience is looking for. Ask what you have to...
YouTube Is Big with Music Teenagers look for music on YouTube for many hours out of the day. They justuse YouTube as a streaming platform for music.According to theIFPI Global Music Report 2018,YouTube is the dominant streaming platform in the worldwide music business.They state that an ...
How does YouTube SEO work? Like any search engine, YouTube video rankings are determined by a complex algorithm, but our advice is not to get caught up in trying to understand every single factor. Instead, just remember the ‘goal’ of any search engine:to give searchers the best quality...
YouTube keyword research is the process of discovering words and phrases people type into YouTube’s search bar. These words and phrases (YouTube keywords, search terms, or search queries) can help you optimize your videos to rank higher in YouTube search results. This strategy can increase...
If you see mostly e-commerce sites in the results, then searchers tend to like those results better than affiliate sites. If you see YouTube videos in the majority of the results, that means searchers want to see a video. If the term happens to be medical or health related, then you’...