stink reek fetidity foul odor kakosomia参考释义 恶臭[èchòu] -stink;fetor;foetor;cacosmia;stench;foulsmell;offensivesmell[odor]: Thoseoldsocksarereallysmellingtheroomout.那些脏袜子把房间搞得恶臭。 Thoserotteneggshavestunktheplace.那些臭蛋把这个地方弄得恶臭。 短语 恶臭幻觉kakosmia;cacosmia 恶臭金盏...
reek stench stink fume effluvium bad smelly effluvia off flavour offflavor offflavour mephitis odor odour fetor参考释义 臭气[chòuqì] -bad[offensive]smell;dysodia;mephits;off-flavour;stench;stink;stinkdamp: Theroomhasawfulstink.那个房间散发着难闻的臭气。 短语 臭气物质odoroussubstance 臭气油oiticica...
"yeah. well, we think so. i mean, it's a powerful, in-your-face name. it's saying, 'sure, i stink!' and that's its purpose—to create smell!" digiscents cofounders dexster smith (left) and joel lloyd bellenson (right) with john williams (top), vp of business development. ...
gestincan - stink gestrangian - strengthen gestreon - wealth, possession gestrienan - gain gesund - unharmed, sound, healthy gesundfull - safe and sound gesweostor - sisters gesweotolian - reveal, show geswican - cease, betray geswinc - toil, hardship gesyntu - prosperity getacnian -...
Should You Say Scent or Smell? Plus How to Use This Topic to Connect in English 2020-08-11 09:24:0918:144611 所属专辑:All Ears English 声音简介 Click here to subscribe to the transcripts 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 ...
If you have a cat – male or female, you’ll want to get them spayed and neutered without much provocation from me. Or you will if you don’t yet. The males will spray and STINK, the females will be pole dancing every few months, or sometimes constantly and driving you crazy. ...
69. “The ‘s’ is silent.”– Pareekshit Ravi 70. “When life shuts the door, open it back up. That’s how doors work.”–Diana Lopez 71. “It’s hard being a single mother, especially when you have no children and are a teenage male.” – Zachary Chastain ...
You gave f-a-r-t-s, a bad stank (bad stink) Your wink of an eye is what I'm dealt Fanning your hands then bluffing the smell Flatulence hid you act so sly Your very first stink is your last stank goodbye Whoa! You're a loaded skunk ...
We've been hunting plenty, we know all about how things decay, but this is weird. The zombies stink and they look like they've been dead for days, maybe longer, but there's fresh, bright red blood coming out of them. If something's really dead the blood congeals in a day or two...
"Yes," I said,but I wasn't paying attention. Bending over the sick man's legs,I had caught a whiff of something that I hadn't smelled in a long,long time—a very bad and sinister stink. I hadn't encountered it often,but even once would have been enough; the pungent smell of ...