Consequently, “you shall not covet your neighbor’s goods” is the tenth commandment in many Catholic Bibles. This version condenses all that God commanded His people not to covet into a more general prohibition of coveting. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet...
evenslothfullypermit his rights to diminish. Because youcovetyour neighbor's goods, you become a surety for debt, literallymerchandise... human resources to be used by others for their purposes, like1 Samuel warned in chapter 8, and God will not hear you when you cry for help, unless you...
Because you covet your neighbor's goods, you become a surety for debt, literally merchandise ... human resources to be used by others for their purposes, like 1 Samuel warned in chapter 8, and God will not hear you when you cry for help, unless you repent. You cannot just Withdraw ...
Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with ...
While we covet our neighbors goods through the agency of governments we create with our own hands we ourselves are delivered into the net[40] of our own making. Salvation is not dependent upon hollow professions of faith, self serving designer doctrines, or dissembling adoration. Our verbal ...
The Kingdom of God, the government of Israel and all those who walked with God would notcovettheir neighbor's goods through the agency of the institutions of theworld. Is there such a thing as free education, free fire protection, free police services? The benefits of government should be ...
Since the people of Israel could not covet the goods of their neighbor, they could only expect to provide those benefits through freewill offerings in the form of charity through the perfect law of liberty. There has always been these two types of welfare in societies. ...
Coveting your neighbor's goods through men who exercise authority and take from your neighbor is not love. Is worshiping[2] the practice of Pure religion or the application for the wages of unrighteousness? Is the feeling you get in Church a "renewing of the spirit" or the stimulation of ...
Socialismas a"political and economic"system requires that the people give power to the state to take away from those who have, to give to those who think they do not have enough. It is rooted incovetingyour neighbor's goods and possessions for your personal benefit. The men who exercise ...
This spiritual choice to covet your neighbor's goods sets in motion the power and right to take from you. So, while you chose to have One purse to provide social benefits and personal gain it is often you who are devoured and your own blood is forfeited. ...