如果没有备份的话,则无法恢复。然后,再次去Google Play下载WhatsApp,安装完毕后选择英文(不选择英文好像也可以),此时再点击手机验证码应该不会弹出来“You need the official WhatsApp to use this account(要官方WhatsApp才能使用此账户) ”提示了,但是收到验证码的概率比较低。全局代理的节点也切换到香港,...
时区和语言设置了美国之后(台湾和香港貌似也没问题),没在出现该提示,但是发现 FB 对设备有记录,在原来封号的设备上重新登录,也会立马被重新被封,必须彻底清理,一般小米手机卸载就能连带删除,否则安卓手机就找文件——包名叫 com.whatsapp.w4b(商业版) com.whatsapp(个人版),没卸载前,切勿在原来的 WhatsApp 再次...
很多用户在使用过程中可能会遇到各种问题,其中之一就是提示“you need the official whatsapp to use this account”。这通常与应用版本有关,因此检查和更新WhatsApp版本是解决此问题的第一步。 首先,你可以通过以下步骤来检查你的WhatsApp版本。打开手机的WhatsApp应用,进入“设置”菜单。在设置界面,找到“关于”选项...
Please assist. I am unable to register my number on WhatsApp. I get the following response: you need the official WhatsApp to use this account
device. You'll need a brand new iPhone or one that has been factory reset with the Move to iOS app installed on your Android smartphone. Finally, both devices need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network, a power source, and you must use the same phone number on your new iOS ...
Day before yesterday my WhatsApp App is suddenly stop working in my newMotorola G54 5Gand when i tried to login through my mobile no.+91 (Removed) i got this message screen"You need the official WhatsApp to login"but from so many yearson my same ...
Find out what exactly is the WhatsApp Cloud API, it's features, benefits & how to get WhatsApp Cloud API for your business.
That said, WhatsApp is for personal use, the WhatsApp Business App is for small businesses, and the WhatsApp Business API is for medium to large organizations that need a more sophisticated and large-scale customer communications solution. ...
First, you’ll need to determine whether your business needs to use the regular WhatsApp Business app or the API. The WhatsApp Business app was created for small businesses. It’s basically an enriched version of the consumer app, that lets you add a company bio, opening hours, and a pr...
1. Number of WhatsApp Users The first item on the list of WhatsApp statistics you need to know is the number of WhatsApp users. As of June 2023, there are more than 2.78 billion unique WhatsApp users around the globe—and rising (Statista, 2023). This marks a 10.5 percent increase ...