You need to turn on User Account Control first.Search for UAC in your Windows taskbar to learn how. When the Uac is on, try to install again 问题描述:安装adobe的软件时出现弹窗,百度翻译结果:您需要首先打开用户帐户控制。在Windows任务栏中搜索UAC以了解如何操作。Uac打开后,请尝试再次安装。 用户帐...
今天 需要切图,就下载了最新的 【Photoshop_2021】来安装,点击【Set-up】安装,居然弹窗提示一堆英文: you need to turn on user account control first, serch for UAC in your windows taskbar to learn how when the UAC is on, try to install again 简答翻译就是: 您需要首先打开用户帐户控制,在您的wi...
Read:Unable to change User Account Control settings on Windows. How do I reset my User Account Control? You can change the UAC slider toNotify me only when apps try to make changes to my computerto reset the UAC. If you need better control, you can also choose Always notify. Is it sa...
If you want to turn this off, go to Control Panel > System and Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy, click on Local Policies > Security Options and scroll all the way down to UAC policies. Open the policy named "User Account Control: Switch to the secure deskto...
Click to restart this computer FIX: You Must Restart Your Computer To Turn Off User Account Control Additional notes You must restart your computer to turn off User Account Control Click to restart this computer If you’re the sole user on the machine and disabled UAC, you should be okay wi...
After you turn on User Account Control in Windows Vista or newer operating systems, programs may be unable to access some network locations. This problem may also occur when you use the command prompt to acc...
After you turn on User Account Control in Windows Vista or newer operating systems, programs may be unable to access some network locations. This problem may also occur when you use the command prompt to access a network location. Note To turn on User Account Control, you clickAllowin aUser...
it must not be emphas it must not be felt t it must specify it need large courage it needs repairing it needs to be spicey it never really hurts it never snows in sep it only takes a momen it overcomes almost e it powers it pronouns it provides component it pushes me fa r way it...
im spending my time im still forced to re im still in im sure he doesnt pla im sure you need an o im surprised it got s im telling you i thin im that mountain peak im the kind of girlwh im the person you don im the slime im thinking about im thinking that we s im tired of...
Does Windows warn you that 'You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this file' when you are trying to copy and backup some useful files on your computer? This page will show you how to copy and backup files without admin rights and fix Wi