1. 点击开始 > 控制面板 > 系统和安全 > 系统 > 系统保护。 2. 选择你要保护的驱动器,通常是C:驱动器,然后点击“配置”。 3. 在还原设置下,Windows 7请选择“还原系统设置和以前版本的文件”和Windows 10请选择“打开系统保护”。然后点击应用 > 确定。 检查能否使用保存的还原点将系统还原到以前的状态。
As its name indicates, “System restore error - You must enable system protection on this drive” is an error message that can pop up when you are trying to perform a System Restore in Windows 10/8/7.There are several issues that may cause this message to be displayed. Some file that ...
4. Restart protection process A simple restart of the system protection service can also fix the “system restore you must enable system protection” problem.You also need a command line to do this, so as soon as you open it, type net stop vss in the prompt window and hit the back b...
Unlock the drive or turn off BitLocker. To do it, follow these steps: At the BitLocker entry screen, press ESC to access other recovery options. Select the command prompt option. Enter Manage-bde to either unlock the system drive or turn off BitLocker. To do it, enter the appro...
You can't install a shared network printer that has a third-party printer driver locally on a Windows XP SP1-based computer if you're a regular user or a member of the Power Users group. Windows XP SP1 doesn't enable regular users or members of the Power Users group to install third-...
Log on to the computer where you are receiving the "schema mismatch" error message. Click Start, click Run, type command, and then click OK. Type set, and then press ENTER. The output line that begins with "SystemDrive=" shows you the drive letter that your system uses...
"System error 67 has occurred" when using FQDN to connect a remote computer Terminal Server commands MSG Terminal Server User's Home Directory is not set correctly User can't authenticate or must authenticate twice "Remote Desktop Service is currently busy" message ...
The percentage of incidents prevented due to proactive security measures, such as endpoint protection, intrusion detection systems, and threat intelligence. The number of false positives and false negatives generated by security monitoring tools and how these numbers are being reduced through continuous re...
When trying to SAVE or EXPORT any file (type) from AutoCAD Products, the following error message appears: This may occur when saving a file opened from an email attachment. Permission Needed You do not have permission to save to this location. Contac...
that mouse that must be rough that neither evil ton that never lets me be that nine out of ten that number likely that old woman that on the banks of that one kept going that our lovo should that place used to be that program does the that promises forever that requires courage that...