2【题目】2Compeethe chartwihpronouns.用代词填表myminemeyousyouhesherhehim 32 Complete the chart with pronouns. 用代词填表。1 me my mine you yours her hers he him 4Complete the chart with pronouns. 用代词填表。Imemymineyouyoursherhershehim 反馈...
you是做主语或者宾语的代词,Your是表示所属关系,需要后面跟名词your book; me是我,做宾语的代词,mine是我的(东西)表示所属关系,但是不需要后面接名词,可以单独使用做句子成分,但是上文必须提出谈论的内容;her既可以单独作宾语,也可以跟名词表所属关系her book;hers和mine 的用法一致; his ...
herits是形容词性的物主代词的单数的第一,第二第三人称,意思是我的,你的,他的,她的,它的,复数形式意思是我们的,你们的,他们的,她们的,它们的,写为our;your;their;their; their;☆+☆☆解析me,you,him,her,it是宾格单数的第一,第二,第三人称的写法,意思是我,你,他,她,它,复数形式意思为我们,你们,...
1、me 英 [mi:];美 [mi:]pron. 我(宾格)Let me see.让我想一想。2、you 英 [ju];美 [jə]pron. 你;你们;(泛指)任何人 I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts.我将在7点30分左右等着你。3、her 英 [hə(r)];美 [hər]pron. 她(宾格);ad...
(TV Series) - Self / Ehara-san (2 episodes, 2005) 2 oku 4 sen man no monomane medorê senshuken (五月 9, 2013) Self Episode dated 21 July 2005 (七月 21, 2005) Ehara-san Lincoln (2013) (TV Series) - Self (1 episode, 2013) Episode dated 7 May 2013 (五月 7, 2013)...
Most agree that the final two movies, each covering half of the last book in the series, are the most enthralling in the group — but you'll have to watch them all to get what’s going on. So, you might as well start with number one, The Sorcerer's Stone, and go from there. ...
1.me人称代词宾格,“我”,常用在动词或介词之后作宾语。例句,Can you help me? help和me是动宾关系。Can you go with me句中with和me是介宾关系。2.her人称代词宾格,“她”,用法和me一样。3.her形容词性物主代词,“她的”,修饰名词,放在名词之前。如,her bag,her teacher等。4.you...
-Do you love me?——《Sweet Spy》U然顺I感情剖析 这篇剧评可能有剧透 甜蜜间谍,这个名字预示了剧情内容与间谍有关,而甜蜜是指主人公之间的感情或者其他?随着剧情开展也许会有答案。感谢来自微博@佛系Wadee的片源;高清CUT来自B站up主peppertones,来自千阅阁的丹尼斯吴×南相美 CUT美帝国曾经在2001和2003年分别发动...
In 2023, Wes Anderson directed a series of short films based on Roald Dahl stories for Netflix. It was the longest and most substantial of the four that finally got the director his long-overdue Oscar statue. (Let's pretend it's an apology for the crime that was not giving his 2023 ...
7.Ms. Swan, Teach Me Love ReelShortplatform touches on the issue of teacher-student love with this compelling TV series. On this show, we follow the life of Charlotte Swan, who has recently moved away from her past life. Now, she has started her career in teaching at the prestigious St...