You matter to somebody, even if you don’t know it yet. You matter until you multiply yourself times the speed of light squandered… Then you energy. You matter. You are good enough. You are loved. Pin It You may think that you are completely insignificant in this world. But someone d...
(give top priority, matter)③If you spend your energy and time on playing computer games,(你就绝不会有精力和时间去学习对你未来职业生涯非常重要的课程). (have room for)G In the professor's story,(石头象征着我们人生中最重要的东西).(represent)6The managers working under stress(不得不抽时间...
Lisa saw a little boy fall down and hurt his knee. The boy was hurt so badly that he couldn’t move at all. So Lisa asked her mother to take him to the hospital together with them.The doctor gave
Ifyou'veevertriedsomethingbig.thenyou'veprobablyhadtodealwithdoubtatacertainpoint.Nomatterhowoftenyoufaceit,doubtcanbedepressing. (1)___Insituationswheredoubtarises,considerthesemethodsbelow,andyoucansilencedoubtandputyourbesteffortstowardyourgoals.•(2)___Doingthisstimulatestherewardcenter,trickingyour...
Then you need energy for warm water and heating. 在需要能源来提供热水和暖气时, You can get this in a renewable way from the sun through solar-thermal installations or from the ground and air, with heat pumps. 可以用可再生的方式,通过太阳能发热设备从太阳获取,或者用热泵从地面和空气获取。
whetherit was possible todevelop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate. The commonassumptionthen was that it could not be done.Throughintenseeffort, Yuanovercameenormous technical difficulties to develop the ...
No matter what you like to do, there is a way to get involve d in various (6)(activity) on Earth Day. You can plant a tree, make a meal with locally grown vegetables, or save power — the possibilities are endless.CDoes the name of the college you atten d really matter? Researc...
a这种能量让你不管面对什么,哪怕是吞噬你的荒野、野兽,还是饥饿、疾病的折磨,都会支撑着你勇敢地战胜它 This kind of energy lets you no matter faces any, even if is swallows your wilderness, the wild animal, the hunger, disease suffering, can support you to defeat it bravely [translate] ...
No matter what you like to do, there is a way to get involved in various (6)(activity) on Earth Day. You can plant a tree, make a meal with locally grown vegetables, or save power — the possibilities are endless. C Does the name of the college you attend really matter? Resea...
Mark:That's a great habit. Too often, I gettunnel visionand then look at my computer clock to notice I've not moved for a couple hours or longer. 马克:那是个好习惯。我常常眼睛紧盯着正前方,然后再看下我的电脑时钟,...