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Aaron Burr doted on his only daughter, but he did not hesitate to correct her when she made a mistake, whether it was a question of Latin grammar or appropriate decorum when acting as hostess to guests of state in their home. Theodosia’s mother died when she was only a child, and Aar...
【LUXIEM】【NIJISANJI EN | Mysta Rias】(at 39:42)[Video]. YouTube. ↑Kaneshiro, L. [Luca Kaneshiro【NIJISANJI EN】]. (2021, December 18).If you’re wondering who this little guy is, his name is Augustus he bites me 🥺[Tweet]. Twitter....
and so much more, not just automarkers - join the Discord! Contribute Lemegeton also has a Wiki, containing useful information and documentation if you would like to read more about the project, or contribute to it: ...
tell me about qs tell me about the wor tell me how can i go tell me how could i g tell me how i love yo tell me if you like i tell me its not real tell me just what you tell me so ill know tell me sweetie tell me that there is tell me way tell me what to say s tell...
whenever i say your n whenever la yue whenever necessary whenever saidthese wo whenever you call me whenever you make a whenever you tell whennotrequired whenyourloverhasgone whenmyheartssomewhere whenthenightisovercom where a mortgage cont where an enterprise i where analog and digi where are ...
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During my college years at last outside of the clutch of strict parents, a new world opened before me. New to campus life, I became aparty animal. It was not unusual for me and my roommate to walk home at night from one dormitory to another across the expansive SUNY Albany campus. Ins...
I don’t start watching Hallmark Christmas movies until Black Friday, because I’m not a damn animal. But this year, my wife was out of town for Halloween weekend, I was kind of feeling down that Sunday about going back to work—like, I was legitimately bummed out. So what did I do...
and eventually I became a journalist. When I submitted my CV they said: “Well you’re not very good but you’ve got potential. So you work for me and I’ll shout at you a lot and you’ll learn.” So that’s what happened. One thing led to another and I had a career again....