Iet's go to work,该上班了。创作灵感 英语口语 英语台词 00:11 当困难找到来时,记这句话,It's not a big deal,没事问题不大 创作灵感 学英语 00:12 you lied to me,你欺骗了我。学英语 英语口语 创作灵感 00:14 see you around,后会有期。英语口语 创作灵感 学英语 00:11 it's a ...
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth 你说你做过国王,你睁眼说瞎话 For that fuck your feelings 为此,去你的情感吧 Instead of getting crowned you're getting capped 你没封王,而是被囚禁了 And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back 我的粉丝们,我再也不会让你...
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth 你说你做过国王,你睁眼说瞎话 For that fuck your feelings 为此,去你的情感吧 Instead of getting crowned you're getting capped 你没封王,而是被囚禁了 And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back 我的粉丝们,我再也不会让你...
I think I really liked Theo because I lied to him a lot 我觉得我真的很喜欢西奥因为我经常骗他 if he was into anime 如果他喜欢动漫, so was I 我也会 if he liked mint chocolate ice cream 如果他喜欢薄荷巧克力冰淇淋的话 I'd force myself to have some 我会强迫自己吃一些 I even started ...
Media: YouTube Twitter hashtags: #Luxiem "NIJI EU" - Ike, Vox Akuma, Mysta Rias, and Nina Kosaka. An off-collab group which Ike participated in. Gen 2 - above + Luca Kaneshiro, Mika Melatika, and Oliver Evans. "Horror H(omies)usbandos/Borg Brothers" - Ike and Vox Akuma. "Bif...
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[00:06:47] Apparently she lied constantly, ran away multiple times, and once tried to set their house on fire. She caused a lot of contention in their home and her siblings all still have a really hard time being around her. She's still in contact with both of her parents, one of...