YouTube Kids is a free Education App: Video app made for all kids, For children to explore safely, Videos for kids to explore safely... Get Latest Version of YouTube Kids from App Store Education > YouTube Kids Requires iOS: 14.0 and up Latest Version: 10.06 Updated: February 10, 2025...
YouTube Kids的建立旨在为孩子们提供一个更加包容的环境,充满了各种差异主题的家庭友好视频,激发孩子们的内在创造力和探索欲。父母和照料者可以引导孩子们在这一过程中发现新奇有趣的乐趣。欲了解更多信息,请访问。 youtubekids怎么改画质
由于应用程序是免费下载的,YouTube Kids的盈利便是由广告带来的,虽然Youtube Kids明确表示所有广告都是符合儿童观看标准的,但还是有家长提出异议指明应用程序中有太多垃圾食品的广告。推广无广告童年的非营利组织 (Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood)和数字民主中心(Center for Digital Democracy)就投诉称在YouTu...
تنزيل YouTube Kids [AR] ダウンロードYouTube Kids [JA] Tải xuống YouTube Kids [VI] Pobierz YouTube Kids [PL] Download YouTube Kids [NL] Download do YouTube Kids [PT] Скачать YouTube Kids [RU] Descargar YouTube Kids [ES] Télécharger YouTube Kids [...
六、如何将内容发布到YouTube Kids YouTube Kids是一个独立的平台,不同于主要的YouTube视频托管服务。它使用相同的视频数据库,但经过过滤,排除了面向青少年和成年人的内容。要将视频添加到YouTube Kids,必须首先在主平台上发布。过去,由于算法的安全评估,许多视频自动出现在YouTube Kids上。然而,目前,在You...
YouTube Kids正在重新设计 使其看起来更像常规版本 YouTube 儿童移动应用程序正在重新设计,使其外观和行为都更像标准的 YouTube 应用程序,并首次允许儿童以纵向模式浏览视频。 在未来几周内,YouTube 儿童版将在 iOS 和 Android 上推出,而网络和智能电视体验则保持不变。YouTube Kids 在近十年前推出,自 2017 ...
YouTube Kids is easyfor even the youngest kids to use. Children love repetitionand unlike the more static television of our youth, today’s kids just have to click a button to watch something again, or do nothing in the case of autoplay. ...
YouTube Kids focuses on delivering video content suitable for children, operating within the digital media and entertainment industries. It offers a curated selection of videos that aim to provide a safer viewing experience for kids, with parental control features to oversee their engagement. It prima...
September marks back-to-school season in many districts across the country, and that makes the ninth month of the year the perfect time for YouTube to roll out an educational content initiative. On the video site’s Kids app, September is ‘#TodayILearned’ month, and in order to support ...
YouTube Kids Mod Apk: specially designed video platform catering to children, fostering creativity, and ensuring a fun environment within the confines of