The title should be bolded, in title case, and the same font size as your other page text. Do not underline or italicize the title. Other text on the page should be plain (notbolded,underlined, oritalicized). All text on the title page should be double-spaced. The APA format examples...
Fancy fonts are also overwhelming and unnecessary. Unless you're applying for a position that requires visual creativity (e.g., a graphic designer), keep the style and formatting as simple as possible. The fix:Don't underline or italicize anything. Only bold section headers and...
Do not italicize a Web site title unless the site is an online book or publisher of information, like the or . Use quotation marks for the titles of sections or pages in a Web site. If a site does not have a date of publication or modified date, give the date you accessed the site...
Do you italicize YouTube video titles? wikiHow Staff Editor Staff Answer In MLA style, no. You would put the title of the video in quotes, but italicize the name of the website (in this case, YouTube). Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0 Question How do you cite a YouTube channel? wik...