从On November 21,you have to do one thing---say“hello” to everybody you meet.故答案为B (3).【答案】b 【解析】 从People used the day to stop the war. A“hello”may be easy, but it can help bring peace(和平)if more people say hello each other.答案B (4).【答案】d 【解析...
we speak Spanish for an hour,too.The idea of this language exchange is great because we can learn something about a language that we may not learn in class.This is the main reason why we can choose the tandem exchange as a way to learn a new language.In the tandem exchange,we can ...
ThereasonaSpaniardmighttellyouthatheisfromehSpainisbecauseSPisjustnotpossibleatthebeginningofSpanishwords.西班牙人之所以会告诉你他来自 ehSpain,是因为在西班牙语单词的开头不可能出现 SP。It'sthesamereasonthatwhenEnglishcommentatorstalkabouttheFrenchfootballer, KylianMbappé, theyoftenfindthemselvesinsertingathird...
Have you tried learning another language?¿Han intentado aprender otro idioma? 5.(have you checked to see; used to address one person) a.has probado a (informal) (singular) The flavor still isn't quite right. - Have you tried adding more salt?Aún no está del todo bien de sabor. ...
Translatehave you gotusing machine translators Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Only SpanishDictionary.com covers the whole Spanish-speaking world! Country-specific vocabulary Slang, idiom, and regional phrasebooks Vosotrosvsvosconjugation practice ...
B.She was excited at her accomplishments in learning Spanish.C.She was satisfied with the clear explanations offered in the tapes.D.She was overwhelmed by the large quantities of replacement drills.(4) (单选题)4)A.To test her communicative ability in Spanish.B....
When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine The family you have chosen decided to visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation(住所). I suggested that they should stay at "bed and breakfast" houses, because this kind of ...
Work in the further, well I think the 9. So what will you be doing at the amusement park, exactly? Actually, I’ll have two jobs. First, I’ll be working at a place calledChildren’s World. They have all kinds of interesting games and educational activities for young kids. I have ...
How have you been? ( hau hahv yu bihn) phrase 1. (used to address one person) a. ¿Cómo has estado? (informal) (singular) I haven't seen you in years. How have you been?Hace años que no te veo. ¿Cómo has estado? b. ¿Cómo ha estado? (formal) (singular) I ...
How do you say may I have in Spanish?Manners and Language:In English, you might say ''may I have'' as a more polite form of ''can I have''. That distinction doesn't quite translate into Spanish. Instead, Spanish has its own ways of being polite....