亲~您好,很高兴为您解答这个问题。关注别人时会出现“Sorry,you have concerned a lot of peo,这是系统提示“您今天的加关注次数过多,请明天再试”,就是说今天关注的次数太多了,系统不让您今天再关注别人了,明天再关注吧。希望我的回答能帮助到您~
“Sorry, you have concerned a lot of people.",这通常是指你在某种情况下引起了很多人的担忧或关注。可能是因为你的行为、言论或者局势引起了许多人的注意。担忧和关注是人类情感和社会交互中很自然的一部分,当某个人或事物引起大量人的关注时,很可能会出现这样的情况。这种情况下,你可能需要考虑...
提示“您今天的加关注次数过多,请明天再试” "Sorry, you have concerned a lot ofpeaple today/Sorry, you have concered alotof peopletoday (20573)" 怎么办?出现此提示是您短时间内加关注或取消关注过于频繁导致无法继续添加,建议您隔天再重新尝试加关注即可。为什么关注时需填写验证码?出现此提...
你好 亲 1、操作过快,系统释放内存不及时,偶尔会出现系统无响应,这时候可以等待,或者重启下手机会好的。2、手机开启的后台程序较多,占用cpu和运行内存,关闭下后台程序,释放运行内存。3、软件冲突导致此进程意外中断,在系统设置--应用程序管理--找到微博--“清除数据”,或者可卸载该软件,更换其他...
微博管理员微博管理员#微博申诉#新浪客服您好,本账号无法关注其他微博用户,关注时显示“Sorry, you have concerned a lot of people today (20573)”或。 在没有有收到任何系统通知就莫名被禁关注,无法关注其他用户,是否存在系统误判,请告知该账号异常时间,并尽快解禁,这严重影响个人使用体验!本账号无任何违规行为,...
Today is a sad day. It has been brought to my attention that many Roadrunner offices around the world have been closed permanently. This means to us, Slipknot, in my opinion that a lot of our very close friends and comrades will no longer be around to help the art and business known ...
Today as a person, I am okay, but as an American, I am concerned. Personal resilience is important but it is not theonly form of resilience we need. We also need community resilience. 你们大二的时候参加了“坚韧大游行”,这是耶鲁历史上最大的游行活动。它由女性黑人学生领导,受到了学生和教职...
have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心 have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing=have trouble / have problem / have difficulty=with + 名词 做…有困难 4 写作常用过渡语 1. 表起始的过渡语:first of all, to begin with, in my opinion, according to, ...