var message = "Your whatsapp has been hacked "; //spam message var i = 0;var timer = setInterval(function() { var evt = document.createEvent("TextEvent"); evt.initTextEvent("textInput", true, true, window, message + i, 0, "en-US"); document.querySelector(".input-container .inp...
Smith said the calls did not come from her campaign and called it a malicious prank. Lori Williams, a political scientist from Calgary’s Mount Royal University, said there are some disturbing similarities. “There’s no question it’s sabotage. And with Danielle Smith as well, I thin...
Toujirou and the cheery man wonder what was going on in the hacker’s head when they got a hold of these 8MS blueprints, joking that they must've been a supergenius moron who only hacked the systems just to sell the blueprints. Toujirou and the cheery man talk more about the blueprints...
It’s not clear exactly what government investigators have been able to gather from WhatsApp, as the results of those orders, too, are often kept from public view. Internally, WhatsApp calls such requests for information about users “prospective message pairs,” or PMPs. ...
The message was a prank and it contained the test: “stack overflow in has returned to his glory, your printer is part of a flaming botnet, the hacker god has returned from the dead. -> YOUR PRINTER HAS BEEN OWNED < - - -” ...