曲谱类型:吉他谱 歌手:Rolling_Stones 词曲:暂无 曲谱格式:GTPRolling Stones (The) - You Gotta Move该文件需要下载后查看,点击下载 其他版本歌谱及相关曲谱 5010 Rolling Stones (The) - Angie (2)吉他谱 4975 Rolling Stones (The) - Anybody Seen My Baby吉他谱 4812 Rolling Stones (The) - Angie (3...
You Gotta Move YOU GOTTA MOVE As recorded by Mississippi Fred McDowell (From the 1965 Album YOU GOTTA MOVE) Words and Music by Fred McDowell & Gary Davis Transcribed by Slowhand Gtr I (D A D F# A D) - 'Fred McDowell - Acoustic Guitar w/ slide (Open D Tuning)' Intro Q=78(8=s8)...
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You Gotta Move intro --- You Gotta Move - The Rolling Stones (Sticky Fingers) --- Tabbed by: Aaron Marker E-mail: Tuning:Open C (CGCGCE) e|---
弹琴吧tan8.com,中国的在线音乐兴趣教育社区,现注册用户突破100万。其音乐软件《弹琴吧》app、《钢琴谱大全》app和《吉他谱大全》app,安装量突破千万,好评如潮,小伙伴们快来加入吧。精选2万首iPhone/iPad/Android 钢琴谱,五线谱,乐谱,曲谱,免费下载,iPhone/iPad/Androi
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Gotta have..总谱:http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/t/the_weepies/gotta_have_you_ver2_crd.htmSolo部分:http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/t/the_weepies/gotta_have_you_solo_tab.htm昨天跟主唱录了下 到时候有空我上传 话说为什么没人呢
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