More than thirty years ago, when he was living in Paris, Edward Limonov gave me a very valuable piece of advice: ‘Do whatever you want, but avoid making out with the French police. They are the toughest bastards.’ Limonov had been expelled from the USSR before landing in the New York...
This exercise of moving things got me to repackage almost everything in the end. I spent a good 2 billion ISK on rewards for courier contracts to ship things to UALX, Jita, Amarr (which is cheaper and seemed more likely to get done than the Jita contracts, two of which are still wait...
i know you got soul i know you love me i i know you well i know you worry some i know youre wrong yo i know you youre mufa i know your city i know i am sure of t i know i just thought i know i keep it buri i know if you try to i know me too i konwsimba i lace my...
ive found the one ive ive really got to go id like a supper for id better go and sort id give my all to hav id give my heart id g id hang around id los id have never known i id hit it id lie its true id like a refund on t id like to be a memem id like to make my...
Apparently he had his camera roll open and the last second of the video got a snag of what he’s got saved in there. The first piece was this meme that I’m sure someone made and he thought was funny with his face and “Guard that Pussy”. At least I hope with all of my heart...
New Job Career Chutes and Ladder Land that first programming job Incentive Pay Does Not Work The Impact of our Work The Getting Better Moment The Case Against Pay for Performance How I Got Started In Software Development The Question Of Innate Talent Greatness If You're Interviewing, Please Brin...
MEME: Top 10 Recent Blogs Now Repeat After Me, Var Isn't an Object VisualStudioHacks is alive... The Downside to Cool Software Names Refactoring the Gregorian Calendar Tickets to Spain It Never Rains in Southern California...Except Today Avoid Premature Generalization Paul Van Dyk at the Mayan...
Basically, you give someone an age and they fill out the meme for where they were and what they were doing. If you want to join in, comment and give me a ballpark figure for how old you are now, or a decade of your life for me to choose from, and I will select an age for ...
In Among Us, she said "Somebody kill someone! Not me, right?" immediately before being killed by Ame; in the first Minecraft collab, while watching Kiara dangerously build over a ravine, she said "eh, she's got it" right before Kiara fell; and in Left 4 Dead 2 she taunted a zombie...
So, today, I stumbled upon this: Apparently, it's a list of almost ALL porn sites that exist...