Dude,_he's_just_not_into_you...___Meme--鹹魚-- 2万粉丝 关注 488观看 --弹幕 06-29 BV1j44y1q7m8 转自油管https://youtu.be/gv1t9XZAUlc https://youtu.be/gv1t9XZAUlc --鹹魚-- 488观看 43 24 相关推荐 评论6 186.1万 1221 1:20 App打开 Mamma_Mia_Meme DareGare 3.1万 18 0:43...
We have no idea which one is the funniest GIF on the internet, but we tried to come up with few decent contesters for this title.
Whenever you feel down, just imagine him telling you that you will get through it. 8. Chill Dude, You Got It via ultimastatus Sometimes you have to relax and chill before doing what you need to do. This way, you can keep your composure and be ready for whatever comes. 9. Goodluck ...
Have you ever looked at a meme and just thought, wow – that speaks my language. These relatable introvert memes will do just the same! See Cashier meme – yeah, if I get a see cashier message at the gas station, I am not going to see the cashier. I am going to get into my veh...
Dude I can’t even use it 0 Reply 1 month ago 175 BlueJuiceWhat to put here?... ok then make it, I don’t know how but go ahead 0 Reply 1 month ago 377 boom meloncrazy holy moly 1 Reply 9 months ago 175 BlueJuiceWhat to put here?... Guacamole 0 Reply 9 months ago...
Sketchy Dude 6. Automotive and Transportation YouTube Channel Names OMG FVD To be Determined Autotech No More Rubber Fingers Busted SUV Garage Vlog Uber Tech KoopaTV Auto Passion The Ragtop Review Scratch the Toast Autosalvage Car Driver
Also known as “evil Patrick” or “savage Patrick,” this meme takes a still of the character Patrick from “Spongebob Squarepants” with a menacing look in his eyes from a 1999 episode. Twitter got a hold of it around February 2018 and started using the image along with an explanation ...
Also known as “evil Patrick” or “savage Patrick,” this meme takes a still of the character Patrick from “Spongebob Squarepants” with a menacing look in his eyes from a 1999 episode. Twitter got a hold of it around February 2018 and started using the image along with an explanation ...
Also known as “evil Patrick” or “savage Patrick,” this meme takes a still of the character Patrick from “Spongebob Squarepants” with a menacing look in his eyes from a 1999 episode. Twitter got a hold of it around February 2018 and started using the image along with an explanation ...
Despite my frustration with tech and social media, I am grateful for how easy it is to keep in touch while the boys are away. Texting and FaceTime are sanity savers. Just a quick meme or GIF in our family chat makes my day.