i cant think of his n i cantake it anymore i canthtake it anymor i cap to that i care about people i carelessly did stra i caught them trying i challenged him i check it out i cherish everything i choose to leave i choose offspring i chose this way i close my eyes and i i ...
A lesson for all novice screen recorders, that shit will capture everything on your screen THUS THE NAME. Apparently he had his camera roll open and the last second of the video got a snag of what he’s got saved in there. The first piece was this meme that I’m sure someone made ...
Much has been made about the links between the movie and Baudrillard’s ideas about how simulations and hyperreality colonize “the real” in a postmodern age, to the point that nothing is real anymore. Baudrillard actually didn’t like “The Matrix.” He felt it misrepresented his ideas ...
3) GOT: the RW legit put me moping for two weeks. Ops. No, seriously, I spent two weeks going around the house on the point of weeping at every stupid thing. Other than that: better than S2 overall, I was WTF about 90% of Stannis's stuff this season, I'm plenty glad they ...
pictures from your photo gallery and add filters (滤镜) to it. “You can simply power up the camera and view your surroundings in chaotic (混乱) colors and patterns — it’s delightful. So that it is hard for anyone to r7you anymore.” said Anmol Sachdeva on US technology website ...
“Cupcake” Dan Williams was THE hottest baby during the Johnson administration. Whatever happened between then and now must have been pretty brutal because he hardly even resembles himself anymore. Tragic. Martin Cheema worked with some of the finest photographers that Sears had to offer in 1988....
lock (level 24) and the number of triangles didn’t match the numbers in the lock (level 28). I got sick of having to look up solutions because the game didn’t give me the proper clues to solve the puzzles and deleted the game. Won’t be playing anything from this group anymore....
a lot of cool skills, this class is pretty boring. Build variety does not really exist. The Discipline traitline is mandatory for almost every build. You are one of those professions that cannot heal properly due to rather clunky mechanics. You can buff people, but not very good anymore. ...
Like something that usually is a little intriguing to the eye, like you’re doing some type of demonstration usually works a little bit better. Felix: Got it. Nowadays, how do you determine which events that you guys should be at? Like what are you looking at? Julien: Well now we’ve...
And the only answers that I kept getting were like, Oh, I just, I have a lot of love for you. But I don’t feel in love with you, those type of things. And like, I don’t really see a future with you anymore. And so I was just like, panicking on the inside. ...