minute在英语中有“分钟;片刻”的意思,所以“a minute”既可以在特定的语境下理解为“一分钟”,也可以理解为“(笼统的)一段时间”,所以问别人“你有空吗”就可以像标题里那样说。 图源:makeameme.org Do you have a minute? I've g...
如果觉得yyds、kswl、nbcs火得莫名其妙,英语环境里还有更离谱的新词儿,比如idgafwabgtsamiktfidawtfidd……救命光打这一串字母我人都疯了…… 意思是I don't give a f*ck what a b*tch got to say about me I know what t...
【FNAF】michael唱“Never gonna give you up”(michael afton AI Cover) 2107 2 00:24 App 【fnaf夫婦組】l love you so 3824 2 00:27 App 【FNAF/中文字幕】哥哥!去死吧!【gacha meme】【afton兄妹】 3197 0 00:09 App 【FNAF/手书】对不起,你的父亲走的很安详(Elizabeth&Charlie&cassdiy) 5065...
意思是I don't give a f*ck what a b*tch got to say about me I know what the f*ck I did and what the f*ck I didn't do(我才不在乎那个碧池说了我啥坏话,我知道自己做了啥没做啥) 是不是离了大谱…… 不过反过来想,既然短视频平台能有这种神奇功效,潜移默化灌输这些新词儿的话,那当然...
I hope all the memes make you enjoy prolonged laughing during the day and make you lose it. The long and massive list of trending funny captions, jokes, quotes, and messages helps you to relax in your Buzy life. If you look into deep, Meme is a viral caption photograph, which is a ...
我在汉克狗里,让汉克狗唱:NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UPM小s 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 831.7万 1600 09:54 百万播放 App I AM CAT 正式版来了! 26.7万 67 00:19 App 我终于躲开了江南style 43.3万 366 00:32 App 我不是猫头鹰,我是江南style⚡️⚡️⚡️ 65.6万 225 ...
I Give Up Meme When you just give up, we have the memes for that. What are you giving up for lent? Or are you just giving up? Spiderman is over it. Drink up (limitations, people.) Sorry Catholics, as anex-Catholic– this made me chuckle. ...
—May I sit here? 我可以坐在这儿吗? —Yes, with pleasure. 当然可以啦。 —Thank you for helping me. 非常感谢你的帮助。 —My pleasure. 客气啥。 —It was so kind of you to give us a lift.. 你能载我们一程真是太好了。 —My pleasure. 客气啦。
—It was so kind of you to give us a lift.. 你能载我们一程真是太好了。 —My pleasure. 客气啦。04Don't worry about it 这句话的意思就是“别担心”,也可以说成“No worries”,意思就是自己只是提供了很少的帮助,不必为了这件事感到愧疚或者担心,不要有那么多忧虑。