because it's easy for me to get lost hearing a simple sentence by trying to remember the nouns that came before the verb, and what order the particles come in, but I'm sure hearing it will be useful.
Vedi una traduzione I read a novel and there's this part which i don't understand much. Hope someone could give me a correct definition. (please use english to explain if you could )Context: A military officer on a space battle ship is using a hypnotic device, to control both his su...
Reacting to this montage at 9.5 years old, my daughter, native in both languages, sums up what it means to “get the gist” in a nutshell: “It has the same general sense but it does not grammatically or orally mean anything. But it’s not too horrible.” A large proportion of ...
@Ktutor_Yerin님 : I would like to thank you for taking the time to give me this incredibly detailed answer!! Now I totally get it!! Thank you again!! 😊 Ktutor_Yerin 12 mag Inglese (Stati Uniti) Coreano @lexiae아~ 그래요^^ ...