As Bloomberg admits, the “behind-the-scenes work” by NSA Jake Sullivan and his deputy, Daleep Singh, mirrors – at least in spirit – a proposal floated Thursday by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who called for a government-owned investment fund to finance “great national en...
Make your own, with Meme Generator Free! The app has more than 1,000 high-quality meme templates (模板) to use. You can choose photo or snap (拍照) one to insert onto the template. Your friends will appreciate your imagination and thank you for giving them a r5to laugh. ...
This step meme for when you get in your daily goal. Get in those steps, be proud and post your step meme to let all of social media hold you accountable. No sarcasm in that last sentence. There is always tomorrow. This sad meme makes me want to hug the doggo. 10000 Steps a Day T...
The site is a collection of meme-worthy projects by the web coder Neal Agarwal, including Internet Artifacts and The Password Game. Websites that got a boost from interest in sports were also in the top 10, including car racing ( +167% and +130%) and t...
This is the song to play if you want to get RickRolled. AnimationIsAwesome·1/10/2023 So true. Mycaristhebest·2/28/2023 So true x2 PrincessVegeta1000·10/11/2022 Is he really Mister Overload? GothyMaddiePPG·11/18/2022 Ubisoft released a video back in September that revealed ...
Kill a service Get-Service -DisplayName "meme_service" | Stop-Service -Force -Confirm:$false -verbose Hunting potential sneaky services I saw a red team tweet regarding sneaky service install. To identify this, you can deploy the following: Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet...
Open Source and Open Source Software Are Not The Same Things Changing A Strong Name Is A Major Breaking Change The State of NuGet Hazards of Converting Binary Data To A String Getting Older Comparing Strings in Unit Tests A Really Empty ASP.NET MVC 3 Project Template Recognition Compensation ...
If it took you a second to adjust to the “Brat Summer” trend and you only just got the hang of it, we’re sorry to say that another trend is quickly taking over. So, before you get behind on the ... Instagram Top 10 Micro Influencers on Instagram "Influencer" is now a common...
I have a lot of video games. I don't own many systems. I want to get Mario Kart Double Dash!!, 'cause that's my favorite game (you get to use 2 people on a car). I think boys AND GIRLS rule. But mostly boys. My favorite show is Adventure Time. My occupations are working fo...
Are Not The Same Things Hazards of Converting Binary Data To A String Comparing Strings in Unit Tests Structuring Unit Tests Configure Git in PowerShell So You Don’t Have to Enter Your Password All the Damn Time Better Git with PowerShell Using QUnit with Razor Layouts New ...