You Drive Me Crazy In this short drama special, the frank, long-term friendship between a man and a woman begins to cross the line into romance after a drunken night together. The two must deal with confusing emotions, intimate knowledge of each others' love lives, and past heartbreaks....
在线看You drive me crazy kdrama mv || at least 1分钟 3秒。13 5月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 3 — 已浏览。
I think what you share would help a lot of people who are too familiar with Western narratives and eventually become disappointed in kdramas because of misplaced expectations. Thank you again for sharing!!! 1 JanJan August 10, 2018 at 4:40 PM UNREGISTERED Oh, will have to watch Life...
Watch the trailer and tell me you don't agree. She's killing it!►April 8 AmbuLAnce (R ACTION, CRIME, DRAMA) Directed by MICHAEL BAY! #shutupandeatyourawesome►April 8 Bullet Train (ACTION, THRILLER) Directed by David Leitch, and starring Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, Michael Shannon, ...
. It drove me crazy, and I skipped chunks of every episode, and even some episodes entirely. But, Gummimochi, your recaps were always worth it. So thank you for venting your frustrations—which usually mirrored my own—and enjoying the cute parts that were the teeny gems of this drama....
Possibly one I will force, I mean gently persuade, others to watch with me :D (And because I couldn’t reply to your other post, Kwan - not sure why - I haven’t seen Dr Stranger either, this is a first north/south drama for me. I’m relatively new to kdrama) 3 Titus ...
and once she gets home, she’s not allowed to tell anyone what happened here. Se-ri promises that she’ll suffer a convenient bout of amnesia as soon as she returns to South Korea, and Joo-mok (the expert on such things due to his drama-watching) confirms that South Koreans get amne...
wishing they would explore the alien/far star issue just worries me that if they did it would be a pre-amble to his flying off in a spaceship and leaving her at the end. (the handshakeat the airport ending.) I'm sorry,but FAR to many otherwise good and great kdramas have ended...
Dan-oh may just be my new all-time favorite kdrama character. She finds out that she’s just a background character in someone else’s life — and not even a real life, but a made-up one in a manhwa — but instead of feeling sorry for herself, she immediately starts fighting back...