1.找到git:https://github.com 1.删除(如果您使用VSCodedevvscode.github-authenthication或从VSC中注...
修改了github的用户名,结果在GitHub Desktop 上push项目时出现了这个问题Authentication failed.Youmaynothavepermission...you’re signed in with an account that haspermissiontoaccessthisrepository. 也就是说身份验证失败。您可能没有访问 创建码云仓库 自由拉取即可。 二、问题1.Youdonothavepermissiontopushtothere...
github/gitee码云 You do not have permission to pull from the repository https://blog.csdn.net/hj960511/article/details/83046103 git报错:You do not have permission to pull from the repository 解决方案:修改windos凭据 第一步:打开我的电脑 第二步:选择此电脑,右击弹出框点击属性进入控制面板 第三步:...
45 error You do not have permission to publish 'censorify'. Are you logged in as the correct user? : censorify 46 error If you need help, you may report this error at: 46 errorhttps://github.com/npm/npm/issues 47 verbose exit [ 1, true ] ...
Also this happened “GJ_LaunchSheet-hd.plist” couldn’t be copied because you don’t have permission to access “GeometryDashSubZero.app”. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
github搜索相关项目提示The listed users and repositories cannot be searched either because the resources do not exist or you do not have permission to view them. 问题出现的平台版本及自己尝试过哪些方法 使用代理,然后搜索,可见结果。 相关代码 // 请把代码文本粘贴到下方(请勿用图片代替代码) 你期待的结...
git推代码报错"you do not have permission to push to the repository via HTTPS" 问题描述: 使用git提交代码时报错,如图下: 意思是: 通过https推代码没有权限 解决办法: 情况一: 有可能是没有推代码的权限 解决方法: 你可以git pull 拉取一下代码,如果能拉取,不能推就是权限问题,请找公司其他人帮... ...
If you see an error message sayingYou don’t have permission to create an entry in this folder, here is how you can fix the issue. After you have completedGoogle Workspacemigration toMicrosoft Office 365, it is possible to come across this error message when trying to create or edit contac...
Permissiondenied(publickey).fatal:Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 原因:电脑公钥(publickey)未添加至github,所以无法识别。 因而需要获取本地电脑公钥,然后登录github账号,添加公钥至github就OK了。
git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 然后楼主各种百度,发现解决这个问题的办法,就是复制/Users/***/.ssh/id_rsa.pub的内容到github上新建的keys上啊,为什么就不行...