首页 手记 You Don't Know...推荐 评论 收藏 分享 You Don't Know JS笔记二:this绑定机制 标签: JavaScript 收藏 1.默认绑定 function foo( ){ console.log(this.a); } var a = 2; foo( ); // 2 在代码中,foo()是直接使用不带任何修饰的函数引用进行调用的,因此只能使用默认绑定。
javascript一共有六种主要数据类型: * string * number * boolean * null * undifined * object ps: typeof null 时会返回"object",这是语言的一个bug. #二、内置对象 Javascript中还有一些对象子类型,通常被称为内置对象: * **String** * Number * Boolean * Object * Function * **Array** * Data ...
The only data we know is the one freely provided by you along with your IP address. + uCV does not use any tracking technology. The only data we know is the one freely provided by you along with your IP address. Most importantly, we don’t employ tracking cookies. We only ...
It does not have to do with coding error because some videos work and some don’t. Thanks again 🙂 Nicolas 28 January 2015, 8 h 24 min Thanks John for this feedback and features request. There’s many ! 🙂 It is hard to answer at this point but I have just included all your...
The above'*'uses the wildcard to tellngModelOptionsto inherit all options from the parent - so you don’t have to keep repeating them but can fine-tune individual inputs. This is extremely powerful and productive. We can also optionally choose to fallback tongModelOptionsdefault values (not...
I am and have always been willing to help make IE7 a better product but it seems that help just isn't wanted. I don't know if that is because of incompetence, ignorance or just arrogance. I now just hope this comment will at least make some people at MS think and that they will ...
But we don't actually wish anyone a Happy Thanksgiving. And we're not going to. Eat some turkey and enjoy the food coma. In our usual habit of recycling jokes, there's more of the same this week. As always, thanks to the Pragmatic Studio for sponsorship and please let us know if ...