The black hole solution was found was by Karl Schwarzschild in 1915, and these regions — black holes — were found to distort space extremally and generate a puncture in the fabric of spacetime. It was unclear at the time if these corresponded to real objects in the universe. Over time, ...
1.在高能实验室,通电并放入黑白跃迁核心,在探测器进入黑洞前并且已经出现在白洞外的时候,取出跃迁核心。 "You destroyed the fabric of spacetime." 你摧毁了时空结构。 2.(该结局是1.0.4版本的更新)在跃迁核心处进入黑洞,会在地图上发现两个“你在这里”标志,另一个自己出现在灰烬双星的内部,下次不进入黑洞即...
a natural form of Zoroastrianism, when man began to plot his course through life rejecting and accepting, not according to his own local appetites but thinking in global terms of good and evil: "Whatever I personally don't like, or even recognize, is therefore evil and should be destroyed....