For sure, it was one of those permitted-but-less-conspicuously-ringy chords that the style guidelines discourage in excess, but it just sounded so much better than any of the other engineered solutions I had been playing with. And the right chord for the moment will always ring better on ...
- Bars 9-16: theme I. Like the previous guitar riff, the lead melody is using subdivision into two and into three. You now got syncopes with triplets and syncopes going over a bar, so rhythmically it's a complicated figure. The accompanying chords are all played off-beat. The progressi...
Ken "I only lie when I talk" Whitman now claims to have found theKnights of the Dinner Table: Live Action Seriesfootage that he claimed in court was lost in a barn fire. Kenny, we all know this is yet another attempt to milk money from those you have already scammed. Kenny had been...
MY GF didnt know u till i sang the song “you grew on me” for her….(IF U DIDNT MIND)….. she got freakd out, but she luvd it……i couldnt take the credit for my self, and i told her it was urs, now she cant get enough of that song….. LOL mate…. ROCK ON and als...