It seems shameful to me that there are people who have the audacity to charge money for teaching a language that you could say they have just started studying. What's wrong with their heads? If they are the ones who need to be taught the language, not the other way around.I started ...
"Thank you for getting in touch with me. That's correct, those are the three documents that I would like you to send. I would appreciate it if you could send them, please. Thank you, and please forgive any inconvenience I may have caused you." ...
No sé qué tono usas normalmente en tus insta, así que es posible que esto dé una impresión completamente diferente esta es bastante informal, pero me pareció adecuada para insta nota: el post de loki aesthetic es muy graciosas, pero usa un lenguaje bastante agresivo, así que es mejor ...
When I was with you, you were an amazing girlfriend to me, and you behaved really well. I will always be very grateful to you for that. Best regards, and I hope that you're very happy nowadays. No one deserves to live surrounded by happiness more than you.】 ...
Last time we were messaging, you asked me about matcha, and I responded insincerely. It’s no excuse, but at that time, I was really busy and also dealing with depression, so I didn’t have the capacity to respond properly. I am terribly sorry for that😔" ...