针对“the autocad license you’re using is not valid”这一错误提示,以下是可能的原因及解决方案,按照你的提示进行分点回答: 确认AutoCAD的许可证类型: 首先,需要明确你正在使用的AutoCAD许可证类型,例如:单用户许可证、多用户(网络)许可证、教育版许可证等。 不同类型的许可证可能有不同的激活和管理方式。
如果您在 Autodesk 产品中看到一条消息,指出您的许可无效,则您使用的软件并非由 Autodesk 制造或已被破解。您可能在不知不觉中从未经授权的经销商处购买了无效软件,或在您的设备上继承了该软件。 下面是您可能会在产品中看到的一系列消息的示例: 环境: Windows 10 Windows 11 你如何解决这个问...
Your AutoCAD license is not valid error how to fix it.If you are seeing a message within your Autod-sk product that your license is not valid, you
When activating an Autodesk product as a standalone license, the following error message is displayed: The serial number you entered is not valid. Try again. (1) Note: This article also applies to collections: Architecture Engineering Construction Collection, Product Design Collection, and Media &...
I've installed AutoCAD 2014 LT on a new load on my new laptop. i get the error: The serial number you entered is not valid. Try again. (1) when i attempt to activate it. After hours of web searches, editing the registry to try a network install, … I'm ...
示例1:指定的许可是 Inventor,而安装的产品是 Inventor Professional - 用户将收到“固定期限使用许可已过期,请续展您的许可”。 示例2:指定的许可是 AutoCAD LT,而安装的产品是 AutoCAD - 用户将收到“固定期限使用许可已过期,请续展您的许可”。...
aTo activate your AutoCAD 2013 license immediately, please select \"Connect now and activate!” again. If you still experience problems during activation, and if you requested and received an activation code from Autodesk, select \"I have an activation code from Autodesk\". 要直接激活您的AutoCA...
aTo activate your AutoCAD for Mac 2011 license immediately, please select "Connect now and activate!” again. If you still experience problems during activation, and if you requested and received an activation code from Autodesk, select "I have an activation code from Autodesk". 要直接激活您的...
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问题: 使用单用户许可证启动AutoCAD时,程序将挂起“正在检查许可证”阶段并停止响应。 此方案可能在首次启动时安装后或在软件正常打开一段时间后出现。 环境: Windows操作系统 AutoCAD使用单用户许可证 原因: Internet安全软件或代理服务器可能会...