原文:You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life.译文:你是我面包上的黄油,是我生命中的呼吸。��Morning everyday _ Queen 猜你喜欢 0 There You Are by:华语音乐 746 Here you are by:Cv_逢生 178 Are You Ready
世间唯有爱与美食,不可辜负。很多年前看过的这句话,但是直到看完了电影《茱莉与茱莉亚》,才算是真正的理解。 相信看过电影的每一个人,都对电影里的一句台词印象深刻。 “You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life” “你是我面包上的黄油,也是我生命的呼吸。” 图片发自简书App 电影讲...
You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life” “你是我面包上的黄油,也是我生命的呼吸。[太开心][馋嘴][可怜][爱你][污][亲亲]#情侣头像##情头##动漫头像#
Losing a game would cause him to fly into a rage. 输掉比赛会使他大发雷霆。 ②be furious With real peace and prosperity, what's to be furious about? 面对和平与繁荣,还有什么能引起愤怒呢? ③go through the roof When I was expelled from school, my parents went through the roof. ...
DAY 90 1.20早读 You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life.你是我面包的黄油,是我生命中不可缺的呼吸。【转发】@TeacherGwen:#Gwen听写# 1.20听写 扫码进群,加入每日听写一分钟活动
“Julia,you are the butter to bread,and the breath to my life”。在情人节的那天晚上保罗当着所有朋友的面对朱莉深情的说出这样一句话。朱莉感动的泪水在眼眶里打转。她也幸福的笑了。她笑的那样惬意那样美丽。像朱莉这样的年龄的女人最需要得到的是一个温馨的家,一个体贴的丈夫。保罗给了她幸福。所以朱莉...
you are the butter to my bread , the breath to my life 无论是大人物还是小人物都有自己的梦想坚持自己的梦想,哪怕只是小小的梦想,当然梦想是没有高低贵贱的找到属于自己的黄油you are the butter to my bread , the breath to my life
you are the butter to my bread赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 taataa (属金鱼) 2011-06-16 00:56:08 其实可能很难接受吧要求别人和要求自己是两码事根本 赞 回复 你的回复 回复请先 登录 , 或 注册 水瓶座 155042 人聚集在这个小组 加入小组 相关内容推荐 Fingersmith磕死。。。 (豆瓣句号小组小组...