You’re not LATE. 你没有落后。 You’re not EARLY. 你没有领先。 You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE Destiny set up for you. 在命运为你安排的属于自己的时区里,一切都准时。
不会太迟也没有晚 现在就是最好的时间 you are not late you are not early 种一棵树 最好的时间 是在十年前 其次就是在现在 you are not late音频:00:0002:32 Rely on yourself 01 You are not late New York is 3 hours ahead of California, 纽约时间比加...
You're not LATE. You're not EARLY. You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE.【转发】@粉笔面试教育:#粉笔梦话# 感觉这段话特别好,咱们一起看看希望我们都好好的“你跑得快,22岁有个家,身边全是...
They are in their TIME ZONE,and you are in yours!他门都在自己的时区里,你也是!Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.生命就是等待正确的行动时机。So,RELAX.所以,放轻松。You are not LATE.你没有落后。You are not EARLY.你没有领先。You are very much ON TIME,and in your TIME...
So,RELAX. 所以,放轻松。 You'renotLATE. 你没有落后。 You'renotEARLY. 你没有领先。 YouareverymuchONTIME,andinyourTIMEZONEDestinysetupforyou. 在命运为你安排的属于自己的时区里,一切都准时。 想知道卡卡老师的发音秘诀?关注微信公众号 卡卡课堂
So, RELAX.You’re not LATE.You’re not EARLY.You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE Destiny set up for you.纽约比加州早3个小时,但这并没有让加州变得缓慢。有人在22岁时毕业,但是等了5年才找到一份好工作!有人在25岁...
They are in their own time zone and you are in yours. Life is about waiting for the right moment to react. So RELAX. You're not late You're not early You're very much on time, and in your time zone. Everyone have a different exams paper meaning different questions. ...
You're ok just the way you are.The little work you are doing today might seem insignificant but Ibet someday you will see the big picture. 就像现在这样,没问题的。你今天做的工作,看似微不足道。但有一天,你将会看到大局。 You’re Not late ! You’re Not early!
You're ok just the way you are.The little work you are doing today might seem insignificant but Ibet someday you will see the big picture. 就像现在这样,没问题的。你今天做的工作,看似微不足道。但有一天,你将会看到大局。You’re Not late ! You’re Not early! 你不晚...
1734 You're Not Listening by:AK创客 266 Aren't You're Glad You're You-Pied Pipers by:小众style 996 You're pretty you smile by:零清音 564 【You're a Badass】 by: 8万 You're Too Late-Fantasy by:小众style 119 You're Aboard Spaceship Earth by:Matchbox火柴盒子 132 You're Such a...