Genre: Romantic drama You Are My Sunshine is a heart-wrenching romantic drama centered on Seok Joong, a farmer who falls deeply in love with Eun Ha, a dabang delivery girl. Despite initial resistance, Eun Ha is won over by his kindness, and they marry. Their happiness is shattered when ...
On December 31, an industry representative reported that Kim Dong Wook will be starring in the upcoming tvN drama “You Are My Spring” (literal title). In response to the report, his agency KeyEast Entertainment commented, “Kim Dong Wook receiv...
You Are My Glory: Living up to the name 'You are already the rabbit who has seen most stars'The love story between a celebrity and a normal person isn't anything new for dramaland. But YAMG is any different? Let's found out. This is going to be a super long review... if you...
*CHINESE DRAMA* DVD YOU ARE MY DESTINY 你是我的命中注定 VOL.1-36 END ENGLISH SUBTITLE. TITLE : YOU ARE MY DESTINY 你是我的命中注定 - COMPLETE TV SERIES. Language : Mandarin. No of Episode : 1 - 36 End. Subtitle : English / Chinese. Format : DVD / NTSC & All Region Code ...
Sunshine, My Name, Nobody Knows, You From Another Star 127 August 13, 2021 Actors in dramaland: Overcoming a bad first impression by missvictrix Secret Garden Getting into K-dramas is like jumping into the deep end of a swimming pool. You don't know exactly what you're in for — ...
There is only 3 K-drama shows really produced by Netflix. One of the most anticipated should be «Kingdom», which is going to have a Season 2 next month. «Love Alarm» and «My First First Love» are the other 2 for the time being. (That doesn't mean other TV networks...
I hardly watch Philippine Drama nowadays since my favourite station lost their franchise, instead I binge watch KDrama, Japanese, Chinese and some Thai Dramas. But for this one I give a shot to check. The story is good and some of the actors are unquestionably great, but there's some fai...
Also, check out my updated Novels List! I’m also reading another similar themed novel which is also adapted into a web drama – Counter Attack – currently. Last but not least, here are the links for the English translation on Wattpad. It’s a bit messy and you will need a wattpad ...
), but here is at least my history of kdramas OST listening: I think the first OST I put on my playlist and listened to it for quite some time was fromYou Are Beautiful. I also had a period withBad Guy(it was such a shame the drama turned crazy towards the end) andCity Hunter...
But on a happier note, the more we learn about Jung-hyuk, the more I like him. He’s grumpy, but he’s also kind and generous and fair, and not in the way that tsundere drama leads usually are, but right out in the open. He’s not shy about showing his nicer side, it’s ju...