酷狗音乐为您提供由Crispin Schroeder演唱的高清音质无损You Are My Homemp3在线听,听You Are My HomeAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
Looking for the place called home A place called home You said Come to me all you who are so weary And you will find true rest for your souls Lord let these words of life speak into my heart Anywhere I am I can be home You are my home Youre my true home I am safe ...
You're My Home - Francoise Hardy (弗朗索瓦兹·哈迪) Written by:Yael Naïm/David Donatien/Yael Naïm I will fly all the way Just to say I'm home And I'll try to pretend I'm not sad then and now I will fly just to say It is you you're my home Think of times ...
Stingray Music Karaoke - You Are My Home (in the style of Vanessa L. Williams / Chayanne|Includes lead vocal)
You Are My Home - The Governors There is a child Inside my heart tonight Nobodys knows that child but you If I hold on to you too tight You understand You hold me too You are the one whose waitin' at the door When I'm afraid you warm the air In when I close my eyes to sleep...
Where are you going? I'm going to the beach! What are you going to do there? I'm going to swim in the sea! Where are you going? I'm going home! What are you going to do there? I'm going to go to bed! 歌词如下: Where are you goingI'm going to the bakeryWhat are you ...
30 scared of my guitar 来自Guts的另一首限定加曲,是Guts本来的Theme Song,也是直接暗娼焦焦的重磅撕逼巨作,如果你购买了Guts的限量版胶胶就会听到这首歌。毫无疑问guitar就是来自Teardrops on My Guitar的比喻,讲述娅娅被前辈职场霸凌后的恐惧与自卑,非常真实,非常戏精,也是这个原因最后没有被收录在正式专辑里...
A Folk and Singer-Songwriter song that uses Acoustic Drums and Acoustic Guitar to emote its Carefree and Love moods. License I'd Leave my Happy Home for You by Josh Sahunta