关闭Discord应用再重新打开、退出Discord账户再重新登录、卸载Discord应用再重新安装最新版本并登录、重启设备再打开Discord应用……这些方法都可以尝试。 二、规避Discord速率限制 1.尽量避免验证错误 当出现“You Are Being Rate Limited”提示的弹窗时,往往伴随电话号码的验证,仔细输入验证码,尽量减少验证错误的次数。 2....
Why am I being rate limited on Discord? Discord implements several security measures to ensure that hackers and bots do not swamp the Discord server with automated requests to gain unauthorized access to a user account. One of them is the error message –You Are Being Rate Limited. The error...
Being Rate Limited Discord means you are being stopped from doing a particular activity for a limited time. Essentially you are being blocked to continue with what you are currently trying to do. Even though this sounds absurd, it’s a necessary evil to block unwanted server overload due to ...
Is there a way to eliminate the “You are being rate-limited” error? If you try a particular action several times, Discord will block you for some time, and when that time expires, you will be able to continue where you left off. But for many users, waiting doesn’t seem like an ...
“You are being rate limited” or “The resource is being rate limited” are the most irritating error messages to get in Discord. So let’s take a look at how to fix it. And though we say fix, being rate limited isn’t a bug or an error. It’s a protect
Why am I being rate limited on Discord? Discord exceeding rate limit How long does Discord rate limit last? You are being rate limited Discord fix Try these Fixes Below, we have listed some of the best ways through which you can get rid of the resource being rate limited error on Discord...
This error message signals that you’ve tried a specific action many times over a short period. Therefore, the platform blocked/limited your access, and you
If you’re encountering the Discord error “you are being rate limited with error code 1015, it simply means that there were too many attempts in a short period of time. If you wish to attempt again, you’ll need to wait roughly 10-15 minutes before you can do so. ...
Are you facing the Discord Rate being limited error and are unable to fix it? Read on…. In this guide, we are going to fix You are being Rate Limited error on Discord. What’s unique about Discord? Discord is basically a free digital communication platform. Unlike any other gaming commu...
When users repeat any action too often, Discord temporarily restricts their activity and displays the message"you are being rate limited"or"the resource is being rate limited".Discord usually does this to stop hackers from exploiting the login verification process and spammers from spamming channels ...