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This metaphor of knitting or weaving suggests a careful, deliberate process, akin to an artisan crafting a masterpiece. It reflects the intricate and purposeful design God employs in forming each person, emphasizing the uniqueness and value of every individual. This imagery also conveys a sense of...
Then it got interesting, as my wife made a comment to the affect of, “Silas maybe you should go to work for me and I will stay home now that you are up already.” Without missing a beat he looks around and then answered, “Mommy sometimes life isn’t fair. You just have to do ...
Shawshank is a masterpiece, but like any movie, many scenes were deleted. It's too bad because they could have added more depth to the story. There were scenes, like Jake's funeral, that showed how much the inmates loved Brooks (the crow's owner). There w...
8God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.9Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.10For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,...
And in return we want to celebrate, praise and give Him much glory. We can celebrate that we are a part of the Holy Family of God. He loved us enough to make a way for us to be His children. Because of this gift, we can sing as the angels did that first Christmas –“Glory to...
Hechanged the alliterative verse of the Anglo-saxons to metrical verse which has since been used and developed bygeneration after generation of English poets till today6. Sum up Chaucers achievements and contributionsKey: Chaucer's greatest achievements rest with his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales...
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Dana Hawley//Lionsgate Are You There God? It's Me, Margaretis a heart-warming adaptation of Judy Blume's beloved 1970 novel of the same name, and a fantastic second feature for writer-director Kelly Fremon Craig after the equally captivatingThe Edge ...
Why is it that church is a place where it is not safe to ask questions? Or have doubts? I hear the outcry, “Oh yes, church is a safe space! Ask anything!” But really…if certain questions are asked, pearls are clutched. “Well, now, that’s a slippery slope.” “The Biblecle...
The lyrics are thought to relate, at least in part, to The Beatles’ managerBrian Epstein. Indeed, it has been claimed that Lennon sang “Baby you’re a rich fag Jew” in the studio. Although originally intended for theYellow Submarinesoundtrack, ‘Baby You’re A Rich Man’ was included...