The Victorian period in Britain saw the curious emergence of the word 'brick' as a term of high praise, picking out for commendation certain qualities of character: reliability and a lack of whimsy. The novels and everyday conversation of the period were full of such phrases as 'you're a...
brick 砖块 | brick砖块/积木sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick 遇见不可克服的困难;sb came down on him like a ton of bricks 来势汹汹的某人;you are really a brick 乐于助人的/慷慨可靠的you can't make bricks without straw 巧妇难为无米之炊。 发布于 2023-08-17 00:19・IP...
Things that have gone unnoticed, thoughts that have been harbored far back in the dark mind, are suddenly recognized and comprehended. A spinner who has thought only of the loom, the dinner pail, the bed, and then the loom again -- this spinner might drink some on a Sunday and come ac...
You are shit就是“你是一坨翔”,属于贬义! 2、not give a shit 千万别按照字面意思理解“不给粑粑”,shit的用法和含义不能只看表面,实际含义是:对…丝毫不感兴趣not give a shit≈I don't care 但前者含有“不屑一顾”的意思,比I don't care情感还要强烈 例句: ①I don't give a shit what he t...
You are a little brick In the wall of the world. Find your place in it. -Abai
Daily Mail (London)
⑤ yellow brick road 从字面上看,yellow brick road是“黄色砖块铺成的路”,即黄砖路,属于小说《绿野仙踪》中的元素。不过,它寓意着“通往成功之路,美好之路或冒险之路”。 Jenna took the internship thinking that it would be the yel...
遇到老司机,千万别说:You are so yellow!因为这根本不是在diss他污!正确的打开方式,是这样的……如果想表达“你好污,你太黄了”,应当说:You are so dirty!dirty 除了表示环境脏乱差,还可以表示思想污秽a dirty magazine / movie / joke色情杂志/电影/笑话You have a really dirty mind!你的想法太下流...
7、shit on sb 苛刻地对待(某人) He made his money by shitting on other people. 他赚钱靠的是苛刻待人。 8、shit a brick 非常惊骇 We were all shitting bricks as the truck missed the car by inches. 当那辆卡车差点撞上小车时,我们都吓坏了...
之前在网上看到过,说的是西式幽默,类似于我们说的意思意思,到底是几个意思的说法。大意如下,可参考:"Would you rather eat a brick or a matter baby ?" (你会吃一块砖还是一个,这里的 a matter baby 应该无实质意义或者就是口误)"What's the matter baby ?" (怎么了,宝贝)"...