Look how far we've come, my baby We might河缩究十及三管古换a took the longway We knew we'd get there someday They said, "I bet they'llnever makeit." But just look at us hol送依又使普笑酸员候用清ding on We'restill together, still going strong ...
Oh you've seen enough to协留林液期称know it's children who teach 你已有着足够的见识 知道从孩子们身上也能学到很多 You're stillfree enough towake up on a bed or a beach 你依然足够自由 可以选择是在床榻还是海边醒来 You're the best thing about me ...
You're still直和掉可副指源露该the one that I love The only one I dream of You're still the one I kiss good night I'm so glad we made it Look how far we've come, my baby[3] 我对你一见钟情 并在初次接触中爱上你 时光荏苒我还爱着你 ...