Google Share on Facebook yotta- (redirected fromYotta) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia yotta- pref. 1.One septillion (1024):yottahertz. 2.1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 (280):yottabyte. [Alteration ofocto-(from its representing the eighth power of a thousand).] ...
You can do the reverse unit conversion from yottavolt to exavolts, or enter any two units below:Enter two units to convert From: To: Common voltage conversionsexavolts to teravolt exavolts to volt exavolts to decavolt exavolts to zeptovolt exavolts to zettavolt exavolts to decivolt exa...
【来源及含义】Greek: from octo-, "eight"; a decimal prefix used in the international metric system for measurements 【相关词根词缀】;Related"metric"families: ;zetta,exa; ;peta,tera,giga; ;mega,kilo; ;hecto,deka,deci; ;centi,milli; ;micro,nano,pico; ;femto,atto; ;zepto,yocto. ...
x This converter is very easy. Really. 1This is a conversion chart for yotta (Metric Prefixes). To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it. You can alsogo to the universal conversion page. 2Enter the value you want to convert (yotta). Then click theCo...
exabit (Ebit) zettabit (Zbit) yottabit (Ybit) binary prefixed bit quantities kibibit (kibit) mebibit (Mibit) gibibit (Gibit) tebibit (Tibit) pebibit (Pibit) exbibit (Eibit) zebibit (Zibit) yobibit (Yibit) media CD 74 minutes / 650 MB (CD74) CD 80 minutes / 700 MB (CD80)...
译文示例:Many of the above units can be used with the standard metric prefixes yocto, zepto, atto, femto, pico, nano, micro, milli, centi, deci, deca, hecto, kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa, zetta, and yotta. ↔ A fenti mértékegységek nagy része a szabványos metrikus el...
SOC Card based Products and Applications will come to the market , Due to that , I Designed HDL Design for Universal Novel Multi Clock Oscillator / Generator Soft ASIC IP CORE FOR - MEGA, GIGA, TERA, PETA, EXA, ZETTA, YOTTA, XONA, WEKA CLOCK FREQUENCY RATE 6th Technology based All EDA...
PEZY Computing成立于2010年,名字来源于Peta、Exa、Zetta、Yotta的首字母。这是一家专注于开发高性能处理器的风险企业,在2012... 分享5赞 贴吧数码吧 慕初影视 买量市场 DataEye-ADX Global 数据显示,近7天全球移动游戏买量公司榜TOP10中有6家公司来自中国内地。分别为: Bole Games主投《Slots Casino -Jackpot ...
PV to zettavolt PV to zeptovolt PV to megavolt PV to microvolt PV to volt PV to millivolt PV to exavolt PV to teravolt PV to picovolt PV to decavoltDefinition: PetavoltThe SI prefix "peta" represents a factor of 1015, or in exponential notation, 1E15....
yottavolt to decavolt yottavolt to teravolt yottavolt to abvolt yottavolt to femtovolt yottavolt to attovolt yottavolt to volt yottavolt to gigavolt yottavolt to zettavolt yottavolt to exavolt yottavolt to petavoltDefinition: Yottavolt