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Director - Yotspot By creating this niche yachting platform, advertisers can target their chosen demographic with ease, promote events and showcase their services. It's exciting! Steve Crawford Director - Yotspot We believe this app will revolutionise communication within the yachting industry, keep...
"Contract" means the agreement between Yotspot and the User for the supply of the Services incorporating these Terms & Conditions and the Order, as well as the “Crew Platinum Account Terms & Conditions”, the “24/7 Account Terms & Conditions” or the “Marketplace Terms & Conditions” as...
专家带您解读日本“鞍马”军舰 它的武器竟是这些!推荐视频 03:25 打开APP阅读 不到10万的智能车机长啥样?奇瑞瑞虎5x给出满分答案01:21 打开APP阅读 港府:逐步放宽自资院校招收内地学生限额 02:04 打开APP阅读 终端优惠21万,不到40万就能买,大众途锐:被埋没的好车? 03:08 打开APP阅读 集结30多个国家,50余...
Yotspot provides you with the perfect place to find all the crew you need, search & apply to hundreds of jobs and advertise your maritime training courses. Whether you're a Crewmember, Yacht Representative, Recruitment Agency or Training Provider you/ve come to the right place! Find out mor...
customer service, able to work as individual and also a team player? Check Yotspot for account managers jobs
LocationAntibes, South of France Duration5 day(s) Dates11 dates available AccommodationNone Included STCW Basic Safety Training with 2010 manila amendments (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) in accordance with section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code. Our week long STCW Basic Safety Tr...
• Personal Protective Equipment • Different types of life-rafts and equipment • Actions prior to abandonment • In water survival techniques • Righting an upturned life-raft • Initial, secondary and subsequent actions in the life-raft ...