Yoshimura origami patternFoldable formFolding simulationCrease design is crucial to the function and application scope of origami projects; however, for the Yoshimura origami pattern, the connection between origami two-dimensional (2D) creases and three-dimensional (3D) forms has not been established, ...
Based on the excellent axial deformation ability of Yoshimura origami structure, a pole-climbing robot driven by Yoshimura-ori actuators is designed. Firstly, a Yoshimura-ori actuator composed of Yoshimura-ori structure, thermoplastic urethane (TPU) sheet and polyethylene (PE) film is proposed and ...
The influence of the number of origami units on packaging and deformation behavior is also discussed. The results show that the fold line deformation decreases as the number of origami units increases, but this also decreases the packaging efficiency of the boom. Moreover, the expansion coefficient...
This chapter describes geometric strategies in origami design to create paper lanterns that gleam with the luminous gradations of light. While the design of origami paper lampshades is largely based...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70658-0_102-1Wu, Jiangmei...
However, current research on Yoshimura origami predominantly focuses on centrally symmetric tubular origami mechanisms, which restricts the structural forms and motion patterns of these mechanisms. Drawing inspiration from the biological concept of "morphological variation," we propose a novel tubular origami...