yoshikitty, the beloved collaboration between Hello Kitty and YOSHIKI – leader of the legendary band X JAPAN and one of the most influential composers in Japanese history – is nominated for the 8th straight year in the 37th Annual Sanrio Characte...
X JAPAN自2015年久別18年登場紅白後,其後兩年均在演出名單之內,不過今年X JAPAN鼓手兼隊長YOSHIKI將會聯同近來合作多多的L’ARC~EN~CIEL主音HYDE一同登場,除了獻唱合作樂曲〈Red Swan〉之外當日到底帶來怎樣的表演,實在令樂迷非常期待! <Source:NHK紅白歌合戦 Official Website> 順帶一提,日前剛來港在Clockenflap演出...
Sarah Brightman has announced that YOSHIKI will join her live on stage for selected dates of her 2019 HYMN world tour, including concerts at New York’s Radio City Music Hall, the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, The Masonic in San Francisco, and Yokohama Arena in Japan. Tour Dates:https://www...
Multiple doctors have determined thatYOSHIKIofX JAPANmust undergo his third neck surgery immediately. However, due to his schedule commitments over the next two months, YOSHIKI will undertake cervical artificial disc replacement surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, California, on Octo...
https://news.miami.edu/frost/stories/2019/06/japans-international-superstar-yoshiki-to-present-150k-donation.html Free tickets (limited qty) https://yoshiki-masterclass.eventbrite.com Yoshiki website:https://www.yoshiki.net/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/yoshikiofficial/ ...
X JAPAN隊長YOSHIKI推出的自家和服服飾品牌「YOSHIKIMONO」日前舉行了首次服裝秀後,即將於本月底舉行公開展示會!<Source:YOSHIKIMONO Official Website> 在日前(10月17日)舉行的服裝秀上,「YOSHIKIMONO」發表了首系列的服飾。以紅藍黑白四色為主調的和服,融合了搖滾風的元素與配飾,相當有個性。YOSHIKI更穿上和服登場,...
fromYoshiki Fukuyama, the singing voice of Basara.Nobutoshi Hayashi, who voiced Basara, will also make a guest appearance. Tickets for the concert will be on sale July 18-28, and concerts will take place at Zepp venues across Japan between September and November 2024. Source: Comic Natalie.....
Yoshiki, leader of the legendary band X Japan, has been chosen by Sanrio to compose and produce the official theme song for Hello Kitty’s 50th anniversary.Hello Kitty’s golden jubilee celebration will take place in 2024, 50 years after the beloved cartoon character was created in 1974. Yosh...
starting in Japan on September 8th.I’m grateful to all the amazing artists who participated in the making of thisfilm. I can’t wait to see you at the theaters!XYoshikiYOSHIKIUNDERTHESKY Official websiteO网页链接#YoshikiUnderTheSky##YoshikiUTS##yoshiki##thechainsmokers##stvincent##sarah...
YoshikiOfficial : Tomorrow, there will be an announcement of X Japan!!! Check it out! YUEMIXIN 核心会员 6 明天呀 快来快来~~!我爱你Yoshiki~~~ 百琴之王 核心会员 6 恩恩、、、等着等着、、、 林莠二世 核心会员 6 就没点提示么…… YUEMIXIN 核心会员 6 回复:6楼要是有...