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Pavel Popovich, 79, a Pioneer in Space for the Soviet Union, Dies (Obituaries)Mr. Popovich is best known for piloting one of the first two manned satellites to orbit the earth at the same time, a trip that made him the sixth person in orbit. 5PM 30 Sep...
Where to watch Mets vs. Marlins Spring Training today: Time, TV channel 16h Buffalo Bills' Josh Allen named to Wyoming Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2025 19h Pa. stabbing suspect a ‘person of interest’ in Upstate NY murder 20h ...
Who were the most fascinating people who ever lived? Buy the @nytimes Book of the Dead and unlock 10,000 obituaries
When I was a child, my family lived on the edge of homelessness. My five siblings and I would go to school with black trash bags full of our clothes in case