NEW YORK - New Yorkers are making their voices heard in the 2024 election, and there's more than just the presidential race on the ballot. Key House races and a U.S. Senate race will be decided, as well as an important statewide ballot question called Proposition 1. There are also ...
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York’s governor has signed into law a bill changing the state’s election calendar so that more local elections are timed with statewide races.
"No" vote: Keeps the current voting process unchanged. If passed, this proposal would enable the Mayor and relevant city agencies to hold public hearings during the 30-day period to gather more public input before a vote on public safety laws. Ballot Proposal 5 This proposal would amend ...
even though he could have voted by mail or absentee ballot, like thousands of other Delawareans. Almost 12,000 absentee and vote-by-mail ballots had been returned by Tuesday afternoon, and more than 4,800 people took advantage of early in-person voting under a law that came into eff...
The number one town was Bethlehem, PA. Bethlehem likely topped the list because it was once home to the first Christmas tree in the United States, back in 1747. Kingston, New York ranked fifth. KingstonBelow is what Secret NYC had to say about Kingston: ...
Prior to my 2016 campaign, I had no awareness of New York’s unique fusion voting rules that permit a single candidate to gather votes on more than one line of the ballot. By being attractive to all candidates to list on as many lines as possible, this system actually gives minor parties...
Voting News: New York Dems mull recount in 60th. CA GOP challenges provisional ballot signaturesJoyce McCloy
On the November ballot in Connecticut, there will be a vote about early voting. The ballot question reads, "Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?" "I think that it's high time that we had that, no matter what party ...
We – my county, anyway – no longer have a secret ballot. That went away with the advent of the electronic voting machines. Nobody seemed to notice. Of the people I pointed it out to, nobody cared. Not one. RES says: October 27, 2020 at 1:33 am Shot: Democratic Sen. Richard ...
In Erie County. WHERE’S ERIC? In New York City, where he will speak at NYC Children’s Cabinet and Department of Youth and Community Development’s conference, the Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships’ Black History Month celebration, and Council of People's Organization’s Annual...