1、展勤浩 Se n i o r HVAC&R En g i n e e r Re f r i g e r a t i o n a n d Pr o ce s s Sy s t e m s 工业制冷及气体压缩 Ch i n a Re f r i g e r a t i o n (Yo r k b y Jo h n s o n Co n t r o l s ) Mo b i l e :+86QQ: ...
创建于1885年,位列全球财富500强。 上海煜柯销售江森自控Johnson Controls产品,提供Tyco, YORK,Trion,Titus等产品销售服务。
Smart Equipment by Johnson Controls Select YORK® chillers come Smart Equipment enabled, boasting embedded controls for seamless connectivity to your controls system. Smart Equipment can self-identify without the need for programming tools. Experience Smart Equipment Technology Rely on Smart Equipment to...
品牌 Johnson Controls 是否支持加工定制 否 电压 380V 功率 100000W 热量范围 1.63 – 21.74kW 冷量范围 2.03 – 12.94kW 换热效率 2~5% 2大系列 10种基本型号设计(02~14) 货期 现货 压力 12PA 保温材料 提供达到B1级防火等级的保温材料 风量范围 340 – 2380m3/h 吊顶暗装型 CC/CB/CD...
品牌: Johnson Controls 热量范围: 1.63 – 21.74kW 冷量范围: 2.03 – 12.94kW 换热效率: 2~5% 2大系列: 10种基本型号设计(02~14) 货期: 现货 压力: 标准型12Pa,高静压型30Pa,超高静压型50Pa,直流无刷电机(12/30/50 Pa) 保温材料: 提供达到B1级防火等级的保温材料 风量范围: 340 – 2380...
With YORK® Chiller Solutions from Johnson Controls, we help you respond to your building efficiency needs by providing the widest variety water and air-cooled industrial and commercial chillers on the market. From reducing your facility’s carbon footprint, to delivering a healthier indoor environm...
品牌: Johnson Controls 是否支持加工定制: 否 电压: 380V 功率: 100000W 热量范围: 1.63 – 21.74kW 冷量范围: 2.03 – 12.94kW 换热效率: 2~5% 2大系列: 10种基本型号设计(02~14) 货期: 现货 压力: 12PA 保温材料: 提供达到B1级防火等级的保温材料 风量范围: 340 – 2380m3/h ...
Reports on the acquisition of York International by Johnson Controls in the U.S. in December 2005. Remarks from C. David Myers, vice president and corporate officer of Johnson Controls, on capabilities of the two businesses; Provisions of the acquisition to Johnson Controls; Annual sales of ...
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At Johnson Controls, we’re redefining the industry with our Custom Air Handling Units. Each Custom AHU provides perfectly balanced performance.